There was a back to school bash held at Evergreen Baptist Church Wednesday, Aug. 25, to welcome the area children back to school and church. Those present enjoyed a variety of tacos, shaved ice and drinks. There were over 100 children and adults present for the event that lasted several hours. All had a wonderful time.
Read moreRichards 4-H group embodies the motto, “To make the best better,” the group has quietly grown to a membership of 25-plus with ages varying from pre-k to high school. The group of youngsters ended the year with a Back-to-School pool party and cookout. Not a group to waste an opportunity, the 4-H group also had instructional swim lessons while at the party to ensure everyone was well versed in water safety, as well as 4-H opportunities coming up in the 4-H outdoor challenge competition.
Read moreGrimes County please help me pray for the people that were affected by Hurricane Ida.
Read moreFather and son, Dr. Solon D. Coleman and Dr. Leonard Coleman, are names well remembered among local Navasota residents. Many were their well served patients.
Read moreCallicarpa americana, American beautyberry, is a 4 to 5 foot tall drought-tolerant deciduous shrub native to Central Texas and southern U.S. In late spring it has pale pink flowers that ripen into bright magenta to purple berries in September through October. They are actually drupes spiraling around branches in a swirl. You might see both flowers and fruit on the same plant. After the leaves have fallen, berries remain on the stem. The opposite leaves, 2½ to about 5 inches long, have saw-toothed edges. Their underside and stem may have fine hairs.
Read moreWhile I hate to say this, this week was not exactly a good one, but I guess we make the most of the days we have. I worked outside the entire morning and I tell you what, using a hedger on thick brush is an excellent way to get rid of stress, I’ll just leave it at that.
Read moreThere was a full house to hear the Back in Time Band at M’Beaux’s Thursday, Aug. 19. The band was as good as ever and everyone enjoyed them. Hopefully the scare is over, and they will return every Thursday from now on. They play from 6-8 p.m.
Read moreHappy belated birthday to Dave Kemp! His birthday was Aug. 23, but someone forgot to tell me in time to have his special day on the birthday calendar. Hope your day was good Dave.
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