HUNTSVILLE — A prison guard from Navasota, was one of two people arrested for a Nov. 24 shooting at a night club parking lot in Huntsville.
Read moreThe Navasota City Council held a public hearing during the Dec. 9 Regular Meeting to receive comments and consider the advisability of creating the Altamira Public Improvement District (PID). The hearing was followed by approval of Resolution 78124, regarding the findings of the proposed PID and approval of Resolution 782-24, authorizing the establishment of the Altamira PID.
Read moreGet into the holiday spirit surrounded by the community at one of several Christmas parades throughout Grimes County.
Read moreANDERSON — Year seven of the Anderson Holiday Fest is Saturday, Dec. 7, and “The Honky Tonk Kid,” Aaron Watson will be taking center stage.
Read moreNavasota football players celebrated their inaugural Rattler Friendsgiving Dec. 27. Several of the team moms helped organize the holiday event and several businesses donated food including Brookshire Brothers, turkey and ham; Walmart, gift card to purchase sides; and Mark McGinty with McGinty’s Best Thing Smoking prepares the food. Navasota Head Coach Trey Allen said it is a great bonding moment that he hopes becomes a yearly tradition.
Read moreTxDOT began construction Dec. 2, to improve safety on Texas 105 by adding several turning lanes from Texas 6 eastbound to CR 412.
Read moreS&P Global Ratings raised its long–term credit rating for the City of Navasota’s existing general obligation debt and certificates of obligation to ”A+” from “A”, marking the first upgrade in over 15 years.
Read moreBRYAN — A 27–year–old Navasota man is being held in the Brazos County Jail on a $100,000 bond charged with the 2020 murder of Roderick Ray Morrison in Bryan.
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