Anderson–Shiro FFA had six Leadership Development Event teams compete at the Area XI contest Nov. 23., at Blinn College in Brenham.
Read moreMelissa Vezurk of Citizen’s State Bank in Navasota presents a $2,000 check to Navasota Police Chief Mike Mize for the department’s annual Operation Blue Santa. CSB also hosted an open house for its customers and a silent auction Dec. 13.
Read moreA Navasota man who had an outstanding warrant since 2015 for Sexual Assault of a Child was arrested in Victoria.
Read moreANDERSON — An inmate that escaped the Grimes County Jail in 2023 received the maximum sentence Dec. 11.
Read moreBack for its second review by the Navasota Planning and Zoning Commission, the Navasota Police Department vehicle parking lot site plan was approved with one amendment - Commissioner Ethan Barcak’s motion to approve prohibits NPD use of the property until the project is fully constructed. The lot, at the southwest corner of Farquhar and Holland, will be used to secure police vehicles, auxiliary equipment, evidence vehicles and as a task force staging area.
Read moreNavasota ISD board members approved the 2025-2026 calendar, the favorite among those surveyed.
Read moreNavasota Police reportedly witnessed a Nissan car commit a traffic violation around 4:45 p.m. Dec. 17, at Spur 515 and Texas 6.
Read moreNavasota Walmart is partnering with the community to assist patients at Navasota Nursing and Rehabilitation by hosting an Angel Tree.
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