Law enforcement agencies followed up on a tip about a fugitive in Richards last night, but the information proved unfounded.
Read moreThe Brookshire Brothers Charitable Foundation donated $1,000 to the Christian Community Services Center in Navasota to help feed the hungry in Grimes County.
Read moreGrace Mendez, a Navasota High School student, celebrated her Eagle Scout Project "Navasota's Big Chair" with an official Navasota Grimes County Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting Friday, Feb. 7. The project is a collaboration between Mendez, Chamber and City of Navasota. The Big Chair will be featured at both the Chamber office and Navasota City Hall during local events. To take a picture on the BIG Chair, stop by 117 S. La Salle Street in Navasota.
Read moreThe Texas Rebels AAU basketball team attended the Rice Owls men’s basketball game, Feb. 2, against the Memphis Tigers. Navasota Dairy Queen provided the team with lunch and dessert. The Rebels basketball season begins in March.
Read moreThe City of Navasota announced a partnership with Forged Components to enhance fire safety and prevention in the community. As part of this collaboration, Forged Components contributed to the Navasota Fire Department’s Smoke Detector Program, which aims to ensure every household has access to working smoke detectors.
Read moreGrimes County Commissioners Court took action on road and drainage infrastructure in two Pct. 1 residential developments at the Feb. 5 Regular Meeting. Commissioners accepted Cambridge Drive and Oxford Lane in King Oaks Section 3 into the County Road Network and released the security.
Read moreEver wonder how to locate early land records of your ancestors in Texas? Join Two Rivers Heritage Foundation Tuesday, Feb. 18. Texas General Land Office Research and Outreach Specialist of the Archives and Records Program, Patrick Walsh, will demonstrate how to access these early documents and maps online.
Read moreNavasota Grimes County Chamber of Commerce organized Grimes County Day at the Texas Capitol in Austin, Feb. 13. The group that made the trip included Grimes County elected officials, Navasota elected officials, Anderson elected officials, school superintendents, chamber board members and more. Transportation was provided by Elliott Team Ford and lunch was provided by Entergy. The group was recognized on the House floor and met with Senator Lois Kolkhorst and Representative Trey Wharton.
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