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Don’t let a grinch steal your Christmas

December 13, 2023 - 00:00
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  • Courtesy photo
    Courtesy photo

As the popular Christmas song states, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” Throughout the season there are holiday gatherings, shopping, gift giving, decorating etc. Unfortunately, it’s also a season where many people also become victims of crime.

Area law enforcement leaders including Grimes County Sheriff Don Sowell, Navasota Police Chief Mike Mize and Todd Mission Police Chief Ryan Rutledge share tips to help the community stay safe during the holidays.

Safety Tips

Multiple thefts occur during the holiday season. Thieves break into homes, vehicles, snatch purses and wallets, and often times lurk in popular shopping spots or parking lots.

Preventing theft

• Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid using a cell phone, headphones or any other device that may cause distractions.

• Lock your vehicle and take your keys with you.

• Don’t leave valuables in the vehicle, and if you do, ensure they are not in plain sight.

• Park in well-lit areas after dark.

• Shop in pairs or small groups.

• While shopping, don’t leave purses, shopping bags or other valuables unattended.

Another popular form of theft is bank jugging. Thieves follow the victim from the bank until the vehicle is parked. Once parked, the thief opens the vehicle to take the envelope containing cash.

•Keep the cash with you or don’t leave it in plain view.

• If you suspect you are being followed, call law enforcement.

Home burglaries

Finding the perfect home to burglarize is easier for thieves during the holiday season. Unknowingly people advertise what they have in their home by the trash they discard.

• Don’t leave the box or packaging material from gifts outside your residence. This allows potential thieves to see what you have.

• Take trash to the dump or break it down and place it in your trash receptacle.

• Ensure you offer a secure place for online shopping deliveries such as a locked delivery box.


Scams come in a variety of forms and are constantly evolving. Anyone can be the target of a scam, but elderly people are often targeted more often.

• Don’t talk to potential scammers on the phone.

• Never give out personal information: name, address, social security number, etc.

• Remind the elderly of safety tips as well.

• Develop a safe word, phrase etc. to prevent AI (artificial intelligence) scammers who use simulated voices as part of their scam. They often mimic family members requesting money for emergency situations.

• Call law enforcement to report any suspicious phone call.

• Shop on verified sites only.

“It’s all common sense and most folks know this already,” explained Rutledge. “They just have to practice it.”

A lot of crimes occur because people ignore suspicious behavior. “If you see anything suspicious call dispatch,” said Mize.

“With all that said, there are many good people out there who look out for others and help out others all the time, especially during the Christmas Holiday Season,” said Sowell.