Well folks here we are still enduring the coronavirus. Hopefully by next month things will begin returning to normal.
Read moreI have been enjoying church services on YouTube, Live Stream and Christian stations. You can view the morning and evening service every Sunday without ever leaving your house or bed. I have heard ministers preach that I haven’t heard in a while. I even enjoy Bible Study on Wednesdays in the comfort of my home. I have to admit I miss the fellowship of going to church in a building. I will continue to enjoy services online until this virus is under control.
Read moreShredding old files starts out as being somewhat relaxing but goodness you can only do so much purging, shredding, purging, shredding; get the picture? I know I’ve said this before, but I really mean it now, I am so sorry for all those student workers of mine at TAMU that had to shred papers. In addition, back then you had to remove staples. My shredder eats staples, or I’d still be on the first box!
Read moreAs we spend our days at home with loved ones, searching too often bare shelves at our local retail stores, or making a quick stop at a favorite eating place for a to go meal, please take the opportunity to offer an encouraging and cheerful word to all within speaking or waving distance. Our hearts need that essential uplift, perhaps now more than any time in recent memory. Thank you to all who remain at their duty stations (including our local newspaper outlets) and to those who are keeping the home fires burning during this season of trial and testing.
Read moreGive the Gift of Blood! The Knights of Columbus Council #4054 will host a Blood Drive on May 10, in the St. Stanislaus Parish hall. Blood and blood products are in short supply and donors are needed now to provide for this critical need. Donors must sign-up in advance online at www. The Blood Center is adjusting their appointment schedule to balance out donations and prevent over-crowding during blood drives. To make an appointment, log onto the website, click on schedule to donate; under quick links select city search and enter Anderson, scroll down to St. Stanislaus, click on schedule and select a convenient time between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to donate.
Read moreAs all of you know the coronavirus is still with us. I guess we will have to continue to be careful. Just keep praying for it to end.
Read moreIt appears we will continue our current situation for some time. As some of the people state, especially Mattress Mack, “spend time with your family and pray more.” I am sure most of you believe the same.
Read moreAs we spend our days at home with loved ones, searching too often bare shelves at our local retail stores, or making a quick stop at a favorite eating place for a to go meal, please take the opportunity to offer an encouraging and cheerful word to all within speaking or waving distance, our hearts need that essential uplift, perhaps now, more than any time in recent memory. Thank you to all who remain at their duty stations and to those who are keeping the home fires burning during this season of trial and testing.
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