Well, another week has come and gone and no new news, just the same old stuff. Social-distance, wash your hands, wear face masks, stay at home, and the list goes on and on. This pandemic sure is hard on reporters since there are no events scheduled. I know one thing for sure, I’m getting a lot of stuff done around the house that I have been putting off or just didn’t have time to do. Geez, I sure do miss my “social life,” although that was the main reason I never got anything done around here. As most of you know, my mother Dolores Hoffart passed away recently. So, I brought some boxes home from her house that had my name on it. Oh, my goodness, I knew she was a special lady but each week I find out more and more how special she was. One whole box was filled with newspaper clippings of every single article I have written for the
Read moreEvery day of my life I have turned onto Washington Avenue and have driven through downtown Navasota. When I was younger, the streets were full of families going about their business, stopping into Noto’s or P. Nemir’s or grabbing food or ice cream. They smiled and laughed as they stopped to talk to their neighbors and fellow citizens, exchanging hearty handshakes and giving hugs. We epitomized good southern—good Texan—hospitality.
Read moreWell folks it looks like the Coronavirus is still with us. I guess we will have at least another month before it will come to an end, at least we certainly hope so. Just keep praying for it to end soon.
Read moreAUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott April 1, posted an online video message seeking Texans’ individual and collective help to reduce the spread of the deadly new coronavirus, COVID-19.
Read moreWell, what can I say? Not much at this point. Basically, our country is at a standstill. I have projects that I could complete but I am almost afraid to go to town to get what I need.
Read moreWishing each of you a very Happy Easter! This year Easter Sunday will stand out and go down in history and one we’ll never forget! Many area churches are making plans to do something special. Some services will be held online or perhaps on YouTube for their congregation on Easter Sunday. Many are doing this for the safety of their congregation. Several local churches have been holding church on social media, or online for the last couple of weeks. Most area churches will not be holding services in their church this Easter Sunday! Be sure and check with your church to see what plans they have made for their Easter services.
Read moreHappy Easter to all! Please, check for any events that you were planning on attending, to make sure it’s canceled. The Governor’s stay at home order has everything shut down or canceled. Schools are closed until May 4, and I’m sure they won’t be open after that either. Only essential services are allowed to remain open. Houston leads the state on the number of COVID-19 cases.
Read moreMany of us will be missing our cherished Easter celebrations and joining with friends and family for those wonderful Easter traditions. Please let us not forget the true reason for our gathering together and continue to hold in our hearts that faith and hopefulness the season teaches us to proclaim and mirror in our daily lives.
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