Elections at the national and state level over the past years have served to numb Americans to mudslinging and over the top rhetoric that has helped fuel the current divide in our country. Unfortunately, it appears that this type of politics has come to Grimes County and the race for Sheriff. This is both unfortunate and sad at the same time. We deserve better from those running for office in our county and those that support them.
Read moreSomething has been on my mind for a while now so I’m throwing it out there to see if it’s as bothersome to others as it is to me. In full disclosure, I may not be in possession of all the facts, but my opinion was formed based on what I read and what people say. My concern is about developers who’ve discovered our jewel of a county but have little regard for Grimes County residents and taxpayers.
Read moreI was sorry to hear recently that the Horlock House Navasota Artist-in-Residence program, which has been part of the Navasota community through the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley for the last 7 years, has drawn to a close. With the residency gone, I wonder what will happen to the Horlock House, and all the stories it holds. The Horlock House was built during Navasota’s railroad boom-town days. No doubt it has seen its share of violence, love and loss. But perhaps that is the way of history: one story stacked on another, until eventually, they are forgotten.
Read moreDear Editor, I would like to thank Navasota LP Gas Co., Inc. and its owner, Chad Ross, for Saturday’s after-hours service call. People had just begun arriving for the Grimes County Crime Stoppers Law Enforcement Awards Dinner when we discovered that the propane tank had an undetected leak, and we had no heat.
Read moreHello, my name is Alan and I’m a singaholic. My “addiction” to song goes way back and it seems like I have always had a tune in my head. In my younger years I would sing along with the radio, especially in the car — just knowing that I sounded like a perfect copy of the vocalist on the air. Of course, that wasn’t the case in reality, but in my mind, it was like I was right there with the band. For a short while I even had a water-resistant radio so I could sing along in the shower. Sadly, “water resistant” is not the same as waterproof and my battery powered musical accompanist was forced into early retirement.
Read moreWhen I first considered writing this column, one of the first people who came to mind to interview was this man. Years ago, I started walking at 5:00 in the mornings from Walmart to Wells Fargo Bank and back. On my walks, even though it was super early, I encountered a handful of the same people each day. Some walking like me, some jogging, some riding a bike, etc. All of us seemed to be on a mission.
Read moreThis past summer, on the first day of my wife’s retirement, we set out on our first RV adventure. This came about as a result of hours and hours of research, contemplation and planning, not to mention tons of prayers and a bit of good luck.
Read moreAfter the Texas Legislature spent much of 2023 in session, a bevy of new laws go into effect on New Year’s Day, though some have been delayed by lawsuits challenging their constitutionality.
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