Hopefully by the time you read this, Hurricane Beryl will have come and gone and left our county unscathed. I’m cognizant of the power of hurricanes and the damage they can inflict. We’ve been fortunate in that respect locally; however, I’m embarrassed to say I’ve looked forward to hurricane season because the last few years they provided rainy days for me to indulge in something I don’t get to do very often – quilting. The feel of good quality 100% cotton fabric under my fingertips, the pitter patter of rain on the roof, the rhythmic hum of my Bernina and a good TV mystery or tearjerker DVD is my idea of Heaven on earth. Well, at least until the power goes out!
Read moreA year after a new state law ended mandatory water breaks in Texas, a proposed federal rule would protect millions of workers from the risks caused by extreme heat, The Texas Tribune reported.
Read moreWith the Fourth of July bringing a possible four-day weekend for lucky Texans, the Texas A&M Forest Service urges outdoor enthusiasts to exercise fire safety outdoors, especially when using fireworks or starting campfires to roast hot dogs and toast marshmallows.
Read moreDuring a recent conversation about local election outcomes, talk turned to the sheriff’s race and the March 6 Examiner headline, “Keeping Mayberry in Grimes County.” For those who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Grimes County Sheriff Don Sowell, his cellphone ringtone is the whistling theme song from The Andy Griffith Show which aired on CBS from 1960-1968. The show took place in fictional Mayberry, North Carolina and featured Sheriff Andy Taylor, his young son Opie, Aunt Bee and his “well-meaning and enthusiastic but bumbling” deputy, Barney Fife.
Read moreFriends, I feel the need to begin this article with a disclaimer. The words that follow are not intended in any way to disrespect Waffle House. I am a huge fan of Waffle House and when I’m travelling, I always seek out their establishments as a refuge from the road. That being said, here’s a story I hope you will enjoy.
Read moreAs many of you who travel downtown on Washington Ave., I’ve seen a man sitting outside of One Stop Cleaners for years. I even knew that he was the owner, and his name was Mr. Sanders, but I had never visited with him until a few days ago. I stopped by one morning in hopes to set up a good time to interview him, but he was in Brenham delivering some clothes at the time. I left my number with a worker (former student of mine). Twenty-four hours later I still hadn’t heard from him, so I contacted one of his daughters who’s my friend. I was worried a no call meant he wasn’t interested in answering my questions, but she told me to show up the following morning and she’d let him know I was coming
Read moreAs TxDOT gears up for public hearings to determine if Interstate 14 will run through Grimes or Madison County, our readers should know that lack of local chatter about high-speed rail (HSR) doesn’t mean things aren’t happening. They’re actually heating up in the Metroplex and given Big D’s absolute disregard for landowners here in flyover country, I’m receiving perverse pleasure from the political infighting!
Read moreDrought conditions across the state dropped a percentage point in May compared to the previous month, with 26% of the state in some stage of drought, primarily in West and South Texas and parts of the Panhandle.
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