Road construction has begun in the Blackberry Community. County Road 207 closed March 29. We will finally receive up to date 21st century roads. It’s the little things in life we need to be thankful for. It has been a longtime coming. God is awesome and deserves all the glory.
Read moreThis past weekend was a busy one for our family. On Saturday, April 3, Don and I hosted the Sowell Family Easter gathering and then on Easter Sunday our family went to Dobbin for our usual Herzog family gathering at the home of my uncle Darrell Herzog. It was a special day since we have been gathering at that same home (originally owned by my grandparents John and Rosa Herzog) since I was a little girl. Last year was the first and only year that didn’t happen because of the pandemic. So, our family members were thrilled to be able to gather once again as usual and putting COVID-19 out of our minds and just enjoying the fellowship and conversations we have so longed to have. As I was coming back home to Anderson, it was so nice to pass by homes and observe that many families were evidently enjoying fellowship with their families also. Even though this past year has been a tough one for the USA, putting it all aside, I am still proud to be an American – we are truly so blessed and strong.
Read moreOenothera speciosa, evening primrose or buttercups, a Texas native, is seen in Southeast Texas fields, vacant lots and lawns from spring into summer. The Texas Department of Transportation, txdot. gov, sows seeds along highways. The four-petaled white to pink cup-shaped flowers are about 3 inches wide lined with pink or red veins. Their center, with 4-branched stigma, is yellow surrounded by white. The stem is usually 6 to 10 inches tall. Alternate leaves can be 4 inches long and an inch wide but the ones I’ve seen were smaller. The fruit is an elongated 4-angled capsule containing many seeds. Rhizomes, runners, might be 12 inches underground with the plant producing a clump about 6 feet in diameter.
Read moreDebbie Addicks and I had a conversation which led both of us to do a bit of researching. Dorothy Holtkamp added to the second conversation at the community center. Debbie is the daughter of Mozelle Clepper who may have been the first Examiner writer of the news column for our community. In addition, Dorothy was another person to write the news. Unfortunately, I lost track when I lived in another part of the county. As it is, the name of our community is actually two words, White Hall. Just a tidbit of information, should you be interested.
Read moreUpcoming events in the area include the monthly meetings of the two area Masonic Lodges. The Orphans Friend Masonic Lodge No 17 will meet at their lodge hall in Anderson Monday, April 5, beginning at 6 p.m. with a meal and the meeting to follow. The Bedias Masonic Lodge No 652 meeting will be Tuesday, April 6, with a meal at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will follow. All Masons are invited to attend. Members are expected, and visitors are always welcome.
Read moreThank you to Taylor Plumbing of Madisonville for taking care of our broken water pipes last week. We now have both hot and cold running water.
Read moreThe Navasota High School Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony is planned for May 28 at 8 p.m. at Rattler Stadium. We look forward to celebrating the Class of 2021. In order to maintain safety protocols, initial plans are to give each graduate 10 tickets. More details will be released as the date approaches.
Read moreApril is Child Abuse Prevention Month. It all began when a report about abused and neglected children caught the attention of President Ronald Reagan in 1983. Sadly, since that first Child Abuse Prevention Month, the number of abused victims has grown from half a million children to over six million new reports of abuse along with 1,600 child abuse related deaths annually. One is too many.
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