No license or permit to carry a handgun in Texas? What do y’all think about that change of the law? Hopefully they keep the old law in place because we already have enough problems as it is. That surely will raise the violence, killing, etc. in The State. Everyone would be carrying, and the police will have a harder time protecting and serving. That means the mentally ill, foreigners coming in etc. will be able to carry. God forbid that law.
Read moreThe membership of Carlos Fellowship Church enjoyed a time of fellowship with a covered dish meal following their worship service Sunday, April 11. There was lots of good food including pecan pie and other desserts. The food and desserts were enjoyed by all present. The pecan pie was especially enjoyed since none was left.
Read moreAuthor, economist, and political activist Loren Spivack will be the guest speaker at the Grimes County Republican Women’s lunch meeting Tuesday, April 20.
Read moreGrimes County Commissioner, Chad Mallett, wrote us regarding the process for the county to adopt Darrell Hall roads into the county roadway inventory.
Read moreEvergreen Baptist Church celebrated Palm Sunday, March 28 with a full house of members and visitors. The service was enjoyed by all in attendance. Following the service, the people enjoyed a covered dish meal of all sorts of good eats. Then there was an Easter Egg hunt with approximately 30 children hunting eggs. A picture was taken of the children and all the adults that attended.
Read moreThe latest report on child maltreatment fatalities and near fatalities, compiled by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, indicates 251 children in Texas died in fiscal year 2020 due to abuse and neglect. That figure includes 28 children who died after being left unattended in hot vehicles.
Read moreEaster weekend has come and gone. I hope all of you have a great time with family and friends.
Read moreIt almost feels like we are pushed from one holiday to another. Easter is now over so should we start prepping for Mother’s Day? Churches across Grimes County celebrated the ultimate sacrifice, and the truest form of love in Jesus Christ, but it can be hard to remember and continue that spirit of sacrifice and love when society pushes us from one holiday to the next so quickly.
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