Grimes County Commissioner Chad Mallett has now put the ball in our court. For Grimes County to move forward with adopting our Darrell Hall roadways, each property owner must sign and return an “Acknowledgement and Release” to Commissioner Chad Mallett, PO Box 160, Anderson, TX 77830 (ATTN Chad Mallett).
Read moreGraveside services for Ross Allen Jarvis, 74, were held Friday, April 23, in the Martins Prairie Cemetery. He was born June 3, 1946, the son of Ross and Viola Allen Jarvis. He passed away April 15. Orphans Friend Masonic Lodge No. 17 was in charge of the services with Clyde Collins officiating. Visitation was held at Hillier Funeral Home in College Station. Do remember his wife and other family members in your prayers.
Read moreWinner number 36 of the St. Joseph’s Catholic Church 52-week gun raffle was drawn Sunday, May 2. The winner of a Glock G42, 380 Auto is Scott O’Neal of Montgomery. The next drawing will take place Sunday, May 9.
Read moreCity of Plantersville held an election for mayor and alderman Saturday, May 1. For election results, see page 1 of The Examiner.
Read moreIt’s both exciting and daunting to know the Richards Community, paired with the Richards ISD board have achieved the first step in the biggest project our community has taken on yet. In 2019, I spoke with RISD staff about their needs to build new facilities and their want to provide a better school for our Panthers, then COVID hit and it seemed that all our dreams were dashed, and worry set it in. But 2021 started, and with it the dreams reignited, and here we are in May with an approved bond that got overwhelming support from our community. While this is wonderful, our board, and the leaders at RISD need your prayers and support- as this will be a daunting adventure. Plan to attend the board meetings at RISD, listen to the Boards plans, and be willing to help if you can.
Read moreI have more good news! At the Thursday night VFW Auxiliary meeting, we gained a new life member. With our membership dwindling, this is fantastic news. If you are interested in possibly becoming a member of this group, please don’t hesitate to call, text, or email me. My contact information is at the end of this column.
Read moreThe Ag Booster Club of Anderson-Shiro hosted a Prospect Show Saturday, April 25 at the Ag Complex on the high school grounds. Showmanship awards were presented to Brooklyn Byars, Sr. Swine; Kayleigh Lincecum, Jr. Swine; Kynlee Stephens, Sr. Lamb; Kagan Stephens, Jr. Lamb; Kason Yargo, Sr. Goat; Brylee Yargo, Jr. Goat; Landon Stem, Sr. Cattle; and Emma Cowley, Jr. Cattle. All winners were awarded a belt buckle.
Read moreLocal elections are important. There are races for City of Bedias, Plantersville, Iola and Navasota. A bond election for Richards ISD, and a school board position race for Anderson Shiro ISD. For sample ballots you can visit www. elections.
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