The Light House Sober Living has free groceries at the Relay Station Event Center in Plantersville the third Thursday of each month. To qualify you must be a resident of the Plantersville/Stoneham area, have proof of income, and identification is required. Volunteers are needed, and mask are required while loading. Thanks in advance.
Read moreThe big news this week was the house fire on FM 244. The house that belonged to Shirley Douthitt Keown caught fire Wednesday, May 19, about 2 a.m. and burned to the ground. The mobile home beside it was saved. Neither the house or mobile home have been lived in for some time. Iola Fire Department responded to the fire.
Read moreIn Grimes County, beginning as early as 1834 with the Texas provisional government, postal routes began soon followed by stagecoaches. Fanthorp Inn at Anderson was the first, followed by the Camp Inn, just east of what became the town of Navasota. The last was the Freeman Inn built in 1856 on Navasota’s Washington Avenue shortly before the railroad reached Navasota.
Read moreMackie shares that the Bedias Women’s Club will hold its first meeting in more than a year, next Thursday, May 27, at 2 p.m. at the Bedias Civic Center. All Bedias area women are invited and encouraged to attend. We are hopeful that most folks will have had the vaccine that want to take it and that we will be able to fellowship and celebrate again for our regular meetings.
Read moreArea residents were sorry to learn of the death of William Scot Nevill who passed away Monday, May 3. He was born July 19, 1966 to William and Joyce Oswald Nevill. He graduated from Iola High School in 1984. He married the love of his life, Debra Anne Picou and together they had three children. He was a longtime resident of Iola and will certainly be missed. His funeral was held at the Bedias Baptist Church with Jerry Cole Officiating. Burial was in the Cross Cemetery where many other family members are buried. Do remember his wife, children and parents in your prayers.
Read moreUnless you’ve been under a rock for the past couple of weeks, you may have seen there is a lot going on within our community. Between Richards ISD winning their Bond Election and students prepping for their final weeks of High School, our town is a buzz of activity.
Read moreVaccine is approved for children starting at the age of 12. I wonder how many in Grimes County will let their child take the vaccine? A booster shot might be needed if you already had the two shots, this is to protect you from other strands of the virus. I’ll keep wearing my mask.
Read moreOn the first Monday of the month, the White Hall Community VFD conducts their business meeting. This month’s meeting started with prayer lead by Chaplain, Chad McMillian, and the pledge of allegiance to both flags. The next order of business was the installation of three new members, Jason, Kimberlee and Brett, by President, Michael Serres. It was exciting to count 24 members and one visitor present for our meeting. There were only a few updates and the meeting ended early.
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